Welcome to Dincher Digests

I enjoy learning new things and continuing to grow my skill set, as I reflected on 2023 I realized I had not been very intentional in learning new things and had become complacent in trying to develop myself over the year. In an attempt to change that and hold myself accountable I started "Dincher's Digests" Each month I work on learning a new topic. These topics cover a little bit of anything and everything, basically what ever I find interesting, thing will be useful for my job, or will be useful for career growth. At the end of each month I share what I have learned, attempting to distill the topic into concise "cliff notes" for others to learn the same topic.

Frameworks and Standards Oh My!
What is ISO27001? What about NIST CSF? In this digest I take a look at what these standards are all about
GitHub Actions: An Overview
There are many CI/CD tools, in this digest I look to understand more about how GitHub's offering, GitHub Actions, works.
Diving Into Containers
The technology behind containers has existed since 2000. What are containers? How do they work? These questions and more are covered in my first Dincher's Digest